Professionalism, Safety and Ethics

Knowledge: Theory - Student demonstrates knowledge of documentation required for advanced nursing foot care practice including, but not limited to, client consent, nursing foot care plan, charting, policies and procedures, auditing, and privacy legislation.

Knowledge: Theory - Students have knowledge of basic ergonomic principles and workplace policies in the provision of nursing foot care.

Knowledge: Practice - Student attends course and arrives prepared (has all necessary paperwork, tools, PPE, handouts, assessment forms, ID, proof of insurance, certificates, etc).

Quality and Safety - Student in appropriate attire, wears appropriate PPE, as per Clinical Course policies and procedures.

Ethical Practice - Student practices within, and adhere to BPGs, nursing standards, established procedures and policies for advanced nursing foot care.

Clinical Performance- Professionalism and Preparation

Knowledge: Theory - Student demonstrates knowledge of documentation required for advanced nursing foot care practice including, client consent, nursing foot care plan, charting, policies and procedures, auditing, and privacy legislation.

Knowledge: Practice - Student completes foot care documentation in accordance with legal, ethical and professional requirements.

Risk Assessment & Health Promotion - Student utilizes a validated, standardized assessment tool to assign risk stratification to clients and apply the relevant advanced nursing foot care interventions to ameliorate the risk.

Quality - Student engages with educator in obtaining mentoring and support to enhance quality of practice.

Professional Communication - Student interactions provide therapeutic benefit for the client.

Advocacy - Student educates clients regarding expectations, required credentials and competencies of advanced nursing foot care services.

Anatomy & Physiology

Knowledge: Theory - Student has knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology of the lower limb and can name and locate at least 10 different bones, pulses, muscles, nerves on the feet; and discuss 2 related foot disorders.

Knowledge: Theory - Student has knowledge of terminology specific to advanced nursing foot care and can pronounce and use at least 10 foot terms verbally to client and written on the foot chart.

Knowledge: Practice - Student uses terminology specific to nursing foot care in all documentation.

Instruments/Tools & Clinical Practice Settings

Knowledge: Theory - Student describes the relevant national guidelines for single use item disposal.

Knowledge: Practice - Student uses instruments required for foot care only for the purposes for which they are designed.

Risk Assessment & Health Promotion - Student recognizes the benefits of health promotion, community resources and self-care management as they relate to advanced nursing foot care.

Quality - Student critically appraises their own practice to identify opportunities to enhance their clinical competence.

Professional Communication - Student maintains professional boundaries in the provision of care to clients in all contexts of care.

Ethical Practice - Student practices within, and adhere to, best practice guidelines, nursing standards, established procedures and policies for advanced nursing foot care.

Clinical Performance – Assessment & Client Communication

Knowledge: Theory - Student identifies the components of a comprehensive lower limb health assessment.

Knowledge: Practice - Student assesses biomechanics, including : gait, strength, balance, footwear, assistive and off-loading devices, and physical environment.

Risk Assessment & Health Promotion - Student identifies risk factors for ulceration, wounds and amputation, including, : diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, neuropathy, skin changes, structural abnormalities (e.g. range of motion of ankle and toe joints, callus pattern, bony deformities) skin temperature (by touch), and evidence of infection.

Professional Communication - Student utilizes client-centered communications in the provision of advanced nursing foot care.

Infection Prevention and Control

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Explain the principles of infection prevention and control as they relate to foot care practice, instruments and equipment.

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Have knowledge of the safe use, care and maintenance of critical and non-critical instruments for foot care.

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Maintain currency in reprocessing medical devices, reprocessing standards and guidelines.

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Understand the principles of personal/ public safety in relation to management of sharps.

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Describe the relevant national guidelines for single use item disposal.

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Identify infection prevention and control best practices.

Knowledge: Theory - The student is able to: Have knowledge of the safe use, care and maintenance of ultrasonic cleaner and autoclave.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Adhere to best practices for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of instruments and the workplace environment.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Utilize PPE to prevent the transmission and spread of infection.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Maintain the sterility of instruments up to the point of use.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Clean and sterilize equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions and in accordance with Canadian Standards.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Use locking, secure, biohazard sharps containers to maintain personal and public safety.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Dispose of single use instruments according to relevant (national) guidelines and MFU.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Use instruments required for foot care only for the purposes for which they are designed.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Use instruments designed specifically for use on the human body and, specifically, feet

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Differentiate between treatments requiring sterile and/or clean instruments.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Use a new set of instruments - disposable or sterilized - for each client interaction.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Utilize enzymatic transport gel/spray for soiled instruments.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Store sterile instruments as per best practice guidelines.

Knowledge: Practice - The student is able to: Adhere to their obligation to sterilize critical instruments.

Clinical Performance – Foot Care Skills

Knowledge: Theory - Student able to identify 2 proper uses for each podiatric instrument.

Knowledge: Theory - Student able to identify 2 risks and 2 reducing risks associated with use of each podiatric instrument.

Knowledge: Practice - Student demonstrates proper support when handling podiatric rotary instrument, moves constantly to avoid heat, and appropriately assesses skin throughout procedure independently.

Knowledge: Practice - Student demonstrates setting of podiatric rotary instrument speed and use of vacuum feature independently when available.

Knowledge: Practice - Student performs podiatric instrument skills competently and requires little to no cueing from instructor.

Knowledge: Practice - Student sets up and maintains clean work surface throughout procedure.

Knowledge: Practice - Student follows available pre-cleaning procedure including placing soiled instruments into appropriate soiled container and products when necessary.

Knowledge: Practice - Student follows available sterilization procedures

Knowledge: Practice - Student demonstrates proper use of PPE’s as per P&P manual. Student able to explain rationale behind wearing N95 mask.

Risk Assessment & Health Promotion - Reduce risks and promote health by implementing client-centered teaching and resources.

Quality - Student performs foot care skills confidently and requires little to no cueing from instructor.

Quality - Critically appraise their skill level and identifies opportunities to enhance their competence.

Professional Communication - Critically appraise their skill level and identifies opportunities to enhance their competency

Coordination & Collaboration - Student effectively explains procedure to client and answers any concerns client may have prior to procedure.

Coordination & Collaboration - Student obtains consent for procedure.

Coordination & Collaboration - Student displays confidence in interaction with client throughout procedure.

Advocacy - Student showed up on time, prepared to work, in appropriate attire. Completed required reading and video prior to lesson.

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