Are you interested in teaching for Foot Canada Training?
Canada’s most popular and trusted foot care nurse curriculum, the Foot Canada Training Curriculum uses the CAFCN National Competencies as Clinical Performance Standards and is compliant with the current IPAC and CSA guidelines, and is updated annually.
Foot Canada’s standardized, peer-reviewed curriculum includes the following courses and workshops.
- Onsite Clinical Foot Care Nurse Course (32 hours minimum)
- Onsite Clinical Refresher Course (for experienced foot care nurses – 1 or 2 days)
- Full-Day Advanced Skills Workshops

Benefits of Teaching for Foot Canada Training?
- Flexibility (set your own hours, class sizes)
- Autonomy (you are an independent contractor, not an employee)
- Extra income (teach while continuing to grow your foot care nurse practice)
- No course writing (curriculum is provided and updated regularly)
- Support (join an amazing team of educators across the country who meet virtually to share ideas and best practices
- Efficiency (all course materials are available on-demand through the online Educator Portal)
- Reputation (Being in association with Foot Canada Training lends legitimacy and expertise to your brand)
- Opportunity (our educators have been offered speaking engagements, chances to collaborate, course and resource writing contracts, and workshop facilitator roles)
Licensed Education Providers
Licensed Education Provivders (LEPs) purchase a license to teach Foot Canada Training’s curriculum independently within their geographic zone. This contract gives the LEP access to an online community of educators and curriculum materials, including presentations, assessment tools, forms and resources.
General Eligibility
Successful applicants must be a Foot Care Nurse, a College, University or Health Agency using a Foot Care Nurse as an educator, pass a 2-step screening process, and meet the following criteria:
- Nursing License – Current and non-restricted Nursing Registration/License from a Canadian territory or province
- FCT’s Code of Conduct and Limitation to Practice as a Foot Care Nurse Policy.
- Foot Care Nurse Experience: Successfully completed the Foot Canada Training Online FCN Theory Course and Onsite Clinical Training (where available, or equivalent) & minimum 3 years foot care experience.
- Educators will be required to complete an Educator’s Orientation program (offered online).
Mentors are hired on a contract basis, by Licensed Education Providers (LEPs) who are already working in association with Foot Canada Training. Mentors provide clinical training to foot care nurse students in geographically isolated or underserved areas, or as an extension of an LEP’s business.
General Eligibility
All successful applicants must be a recently trained Foot Care Nurse, pass a 2-step screening process, and meet the following criteria:
- Nursing License – Current and non-restricted Nursing Registration/License from a Canadian territory or province
- FCT’s Code of Conduct and Limitation to Practice as a Foot Care Nurse Policy.
- Foot Care Nurse Experience: Successfully completed the Foot Canada Training Online FCN Theory Course and Onsite Clinical Training (where available, or equivalent) & minimum 3 years foot care experience.
- Mentors will be required to complete an Orientation Course (online)
Why Choose to be an LEP?
Choosing to become an LEP and teaching in association with Foot Canada Training provides:
- Flexibility: to organize courses/workshops to fit your existing schedule; no minimum class sizes.
- Business expansion: train and then hire nurses to expand your foot care business; leverage Foot Canada’s marketing initiatives.
- Big financial incentive: low annual license fee; boost your income (clinical courses rates average $2500/student; workshops average $250/person/day)
- Network and Support: large national LEP network meets regularly to brainstorm and share resources. All curriculum documents are available on an online portal. Foot Canada training offers marketing and planning support to all of its LEPs.
Why Choose to be a Mentor?
Choosing to become an Mentor and teaching in association with Foot Canada Training provides:
- Flexibility: only accept teaching contracts that fit into your schedule; no marketing, fee collection or recruiting (all courses are organized by a supervising LEP).
- Financial incentive: Mentors are paid as independent contractors, per student or contract; no annual fees.
- Support & Materials: All curriculum documents and teaching materials are provided to the mentor; orientation program provided, as well as support from the supervising LEP.
Currently recruiting Licensed Educators in these locations:
Ontario: Hamilton/St Catherines (1)
Ontario: Mississauga Area (1)
Currently recruiting Mentors in these locations:
Mississauga, Ontario
Prince Edward Island